Carlos G. Fernández
Sábado, 14 de septiembre 2024, 00:05
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'Ahora que…' | How does this phrase from the song 'Ahora que…' end: «Ahora que se atropellan las semanas, fugaces, como estrellas de …»?
'19 días y 500 noches' | What does Sabina consider to be the key phrase in this song?
'Barbi Superestar' | During his exile in London… What pseudonym did Sabina use at the beginning of his musical career in pubs and small bars?
'Una canción para la Magdalena' | Which of the Beatles saw Sabina live and tipped him five pounds?
'Dieguitos y Mafaldas' | Which Argentine musician produced this album?
'A mis cuarenta y diez' | Which famous guitarist has accompanied Sabina throughout most of his career and played a vital role in his album '19 Days and 500 Nights'?
'El caso de la rubia platino' | What was Joaquín Sabina's father's occupation?
'Donde habita el olvido' | Which Spanish poet do we owe the title of this song to?
'Cerrado por derribo' | Which of these unusual instruments is heard at the beginning of this song?
'Pero qué hermosas eran' | What dish did Sabina's first wife master perfectly?
'De purísima y oro' | Which of these Madrid locations is not mentioned in this song?
'Como te digo una «Co» te digo la «O»' | Which renowned Spanish singer was Sabina thinking of when he composed this song?
'Noches de boda' | Where was Chavela Vargas, a prominent guest in this song, born in 1919?
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