With These Vehicles, You Will Never Have to Worry About Passing the MOT Again

With These Vehicles, You Will Never Have to Worry About Passing the MOT Again

For a vehicle to be considered historic, at least 30 years must have passed since its first registration


Miércoles, 18 de septiembre 2024, 12:05

Necesitas ser registrado para acceder a esta funcionalidad.

Opciones para compartir

The owner of a vehicle has certain obligations, one of which is to pass the Mandatory Vehicle Inspection (MOT), with the first inspection carried out four years after its initial registration. Subsequent inspections are conducted every two years until the car is ten years old, after which an annual inspection is required by law. Failing to do so constitutes a serious offense, carrying a fine of 200 euros.

However, there are vehicles that, due to their particular circumstances, are not required to undergo the annual MOT: these are known as "historic vehicles." Not all old vehicles qualify for this status and must meet specific criteria.

The Directorate-General for Traffic (DGT) stipulates that for a vehicle to be considered historic, at least 30 years must have passed since its first registration. However, age alone is not sufficient; the vehicle must also be unique enough to be deemed a collector's item. Additionally, cars that have participated in significant events and therefore need preservation could also acquire this classification.

According to these guidelines set by the DGT, starting in 2024, cars and mopeds manufactured or registered for the first time before January 1, 1950, will no longer need to pass the MOT. Nonetheless, it remains necessary to process the historic vehicle classification, which can be done on the DGT website.

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