TA Previsiones
Lunes, 18 de noviembre 2024, 04:53
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The weather in Villajoyosa on 18th November 2024 is expected to be mostly stable. In the early hours, the sky will be slightly cloudy with temperatures ranging between 15 and 20 degrees Celsius. Relative humidity will be high, reaching values between 60% and 95%, which is typical for this time of year in the region.
Throughout the morning, temperatures will rise slightly, reaching a maximum of 19 degrees Celsius. Conditions will remain slightly cloudy, with no chance of precipitation. However, by midday and early afternoon, an increase in cloudiness is expected. Despite this, no rain is anticipated, with temperatures remaining around 18 degrees.
By nightfall, the sky will remain cloudy, but no significant changes in precipitation are expected. The temperature will slightly drop to 17 degrees Celsius. Relative humidity will stay high, fluctuating between 75% and 95%, which might cause a slightly lower thermal sensation.
Looking ahead to the following days, weather conditions are expected to remain stable. On 19th November, temperatures will range between 15 and 24 degrees Celsius with slightly cloudy skies and no rain forecast. Relative humidity will decrease slightly, ranging between 45% and 75%.
The stable weather pattern will continue until 21st November, with moderate daytime temperatures and mostly clear skies. However, on 22nd November, a slight change is anticipated with very cloudy skies and a chance of light rain. Temperatures will remain within the usual range for the region, between 15 and 22 degrees Celsius.
Finally, on 23rd November, a return to cloudy conditions is expected but with a low chance of rain. Minimum and maximum temperatures will range between 15 and 20 degrees Celsius. This pattern suggests that Villajoyosa will experience typical autumn weather in the coming days, with slight variations in cloud cover and humidity.
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