Weather Report for Torrevieja - 1st January 2025

Weather Report for Torrevieja - 1st January 2025

Detailed Weather Forecast for Torrevieja

TA Previsiones


Miércoles, 1 de enero 2025, 04:51

On January 1st, 2025, Torrevieja will experience partly cloudy skies with light rain showers. During the early hours, temperatures will range between 8°C and 16°C, with a minimum wind chill of 6°C. The chance of rain is 50%, and relative humidity will vary between 70% and 85%.

Morning Weather Conditions

In the morning hours, from 6 to 12, the sky will remain partly cloudy. Temperatures will reach a maximum of 13°C, while the wind chill will remain stable. The likelihood of rain will decrease to 35%, although humidity will remain high, between 70% and 85%.

In the afternoon, between 12 and 18, cloudy intervals with light rain are expected to persist. Maximum temperatures will reach 14°C, with a 40% chance of precipitation. Humidity will remain high, fluctuating between 70% and 85%.

Night Forecast

During the night, weather conditions will slightly improve, with mostly cloudy skies but no significant rain. Temperatures will drop to 10°C, and humidity will increase to a maximum of 85%. The chance of rain will be low, around 10%.

For the following day, a notable change in weather conditions is anticipated. The sky will be clear throughout January 2nd, with temperatures ranging from 7°C to 17°C. No precipitation is expected, and relative humidity will decrease significantly.

As the week progresses, more stable and dry weather is expected in Torrevieja. The following days will feature clear or slightly cloudy skies with pleasant temperatures ranging from 8°C to 20°C. The chances of rain will be minimal, allowing for favourable weather conditions for outdoor activities.

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todoalicante Weather Report for Torrevieja - 1st January 2025