Weather Report for Torrevieja - 28th December 2024

Weather Report for Torrevieja - 28th December 2024

Detailed Weather Forecast for Torrevieja in the Coming Days

TA Previsiones


Sábado, 28 de diciembre 2024, 04:52

On 28th December 2024, Torrevieja will experience predominantly overcast weather conditions. Temperatures will range between 9°C and 15°C throughout the day. In the early hours, a cloudy sky is expected with a 20% chance of rain. The wind chill will remain similar, with humidity levels varying between 65% and 90%.

Throughout the day, cloudiness will persist, and the likelihood of precipitation will increase. From 6 AM to 6 PM, light rain is expected with a probability ranging from 60% to 80%. Temperatures will remain stable, hovering around 13°C during the central hours.

Night Conditions

At night, the sky will remain overcast with light rain. Minimum temperatures will slightly drop to 11°C. Humidity will reach high levels, reaching 90%, which could intensify the wind chill outdoors.

Extended Forecast

For the following day, 29th December, a very cloudy sky is anticipated with a low chance of rain in the morning. Minimum and maximum temperatures will range between 8°C and 16°C respectively. Humidity will remain high, fluctuating between 75% and 100%.

The forecast for the end of the year suggests unstable weather conditions. On 31st December, very cloudy skies with rain are expected, presenting a high probability of 95%. This pattern will continue into the first day of the new year, where cloudy conditions with rain are expected to persist, albeit with a slightly lower probability of 75%.

In summary, Torrevieja will face a period of predominantly overcast skies and intermittent rain in the coming days. Residents and visitors are advised to take precautions against possible precipitation and to keep a constant watch on weather updates to plan their activities accordingly.





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todoalicante Weather Report for Torrevieja - 28th December 2024