Weather Report for Torrevieja - 19th January 2025

Weather Report for Torrevieja - 19th January 2025

Detailed Weather Forecast for the Coming Days in Torrevieja

TA Previsiones


Domingo, 19 de enero 2025, 04:51

On 19th January 2025, Torrevieja will experience minimum temperatures of 6 degrees Celsius, reaching highs of 15 degrees. During the early hours, high clouds will be observed, but there is no chance of precipitation. The wind chill will range between 3 and 15 degrees, with relative humidity fluctuating between 45% and 90%.

Sky Conditions

In the early morning, the sky will remain mostly clear, allowing for a relatively sunny day. As the day progresses, these conditions will persist until sunset, when high clouds will reappear. Humidity will be more pronounced at nightfall, reaching levels close to 90%.

For 20th January, mostly clear weather is expected in the morning hours, with temperatures ranging between 7 and 16 degrees Celsius. However, by afternoon and evening, the sky will become cloudy with a significant increase in the likelihood of rain, reaching 45%. Relative humidity will remain high, varying between 60% and 95%.

Mid-Term Forecast

On 21st January, weather conditions indicate overcast skies with rain in the morning, with a high probability of 85%. Temperatures will range between 11 and 17 degrees. In the afternoon and evening, although the sky will remain very cloudy, the chance of precipitation will decrease significantly to 10%.

Looking ahead to 22nd January, more stable weather is expected with predominant high clouds and temperatures ranging between 10 and 20 degrees Celsius. Relative humidity will remain between 65% and 90%, with no forecast of rain.

Finally, the days leading up to 24th January will present cloudy intervals with moderate chances of rain at 25%. Temperatures will continue to be pleasant for this time of year, fluctuating between 10 and 20 degrees Celsius. Humidity will show a slight decrease in its maximum values.





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todoalicante Weather Report for Torrevieja - 19th January 2025