Weather Report for Dénia - 11th January 2025

Weather Report for Dénia - 11th January 2025

Detailed Weather Forecast for Dénia in the Coming Days

TA Previsiones


Sábado, 11 de enero 2025, 04:51

The weather in Dénia on 11th January 2025 is expected to be predominantly clear in the early hours, with minimum temperatures of 13 degrees and highs reaching 22 degrees. The thermal sensation will remain within the same range, and relative humidity will fluctuate between 50% and 65%, providing a moderately humid yet pleasant atmosphere.

In the afternoon, weather conditions will remain stable with mostly clear skies. Temperatures will hover around 18 degrees, and the likelihood of precipitation is minimal, at just 5%. Humidity will continue at moderate levels, between 50% and 65%, ensuring a calm day from a climatic perspective.

Weekend Forecast

On Saturday, 12th January, a mostly clear day is expected with cooler temperatures in the morning, ranging from 9 to 17 degrees. The thermal sensation could drop to 9 degrees in the early hours. The chance of rain is low, favouring outdoor activities. Humidity will fluctuate between 40% and 70%, which is typical for this time of year in the region.

On Sunday, 13th January, conditions will change slightly with cloudy skies in the morning and possible cloudy intervals in the afternoon. Temperatures will range between 8 and 14 degrees, with a slight chance of rain at 25% in the morning, decreasing to 15% in the afternoon. Humidity will remain constant between 45% and 65%, contributing to a fresh yet comfortable thermal sensation.

Weather Trends for the Coming Week

At the start of the coming week, partly cloudy skies are anticipated in Dénia. On Monday and Tuesday (14th and 15th January), temperatures will fluctuate between 7 and 14 degrees, with a chance of rain from 25% to 40%. Humidity is expected to remain within the normal range for this season.

On Wednesday, 16th January, an increase in cloudiness is forecasted with very cloudy skies and a higher probability of precipitation (45%). Temperatures will continue their usual trend for January, varying between 7 and 15 degrees. Relative humidity will remain constant between 50% and 65%, which could increase the sensation of cold.





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todoalicante Weather Report for Dénia - 11th January 2025