Jueves, 18 de julio 2024, 13:05
The weather forecast for Villajoyosa on July 18, 2024, indicates a mostly clear day with temperatures ranging between 24ºC and 29ºC. Relative humidity will vary between 40% and 80%, suggesting a thermal sensation that could reach up to 31ºC at certain times of the day.
During the early hours of the day, from midnight to six in the morning, a completely clear sky is expected with a minimum temperature of 24ºC and a maximum of 29ºC. The probability of rain is zero, and relative humidity will be between 40% and 80%. These conditions will remain stable until noon, although a slight increase in temperature is expected, reaching a maximum of 29ºC.
In the afternoon, the sky will remain slightly cloudy with temperatures ranging between 24ºC and 29ºC. The thermal sensation could reach up to 31ºC due to humidity, which will remain in the range of 40% to 80%. At night, similar weather conditions will prevail, with a clear sky and temperatures slightly dropping to around 27ºC.
For the following day, the forecast indicates stable weather conditions with clear skies and temperatures ranging between 25ºC and 30ºC. The probability of rain remains zero, and relative humidity will slightly decrease, oscillating between 25% and 60%.
As the week progresses, a gradual increase in temperatures is expected. On Saturday, July 20, a slightly cloudy sky is forecasted with temperatures ranging between 26ºC and 32ºC. Relative humidity will further decrease, settling between 20% and 45%. These conditions will persist throughout the day.
Finally, for the subsequent days from Sunday to Tuesday, clear skies are expected with temperatures varying between 24ºC and 33ºC. The probability of rain is minimal but will slightly increase at the beginning of the following week. Relative humidity will oscillate between 20% and 75%, which could influence the perceived thermal sensation for residents and visitors in Villajoyosa.
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