TA Previsiones
Lunes, 30 de diciembre 2024, 04:51
Weather forecasts for Torrevieja on 30th December 2024 indicate a day marked by mostly cloudy skies with rainfall. During the early hours, the sky is expected to be very cloudy with a 45% chance of rain. Temperatures will range between 8 and 15 degrees Celsius, with a minimum wind chill of 7 degrees.
In the course of the morning, weather conditions will remain cloudy, and the likelihood of light rain will increase to 85%. The temperature will reach a maximum of 13 degrees, maintaining a relative humidity between 65% and 95%. By midday, rain will intensify, reaching a 100% chance of precipitation, while temperatures remain stable.
For the afternoon and evening of the same day, intervals of clouds accompanied by persistent rain are expected to continue. The temperature will slightly drop to 11 degrees Celsius during the night, with high humidity ranging between 65% and 95%.
As we move towards New Year's Eve, 31st December will be characterised by overcast skies with storms throughout the day. The chances of rain will remain at 100%, with temperatures fluctuating between 8 and 14 degrees. The wind chill will be similar to the ambient temperature due to the high expected humidity.
For the start of the new year, on 1st January 2025, weather conditions will show a slight improvement. Although storms are still expected, the likelihood of precipitation will decrease to 95%. Daytime temperatures will range between 8 and 16 degrees Celsius. Humidity will remain high, which is typical for this time of year.
Finally, for the days following the start of the year, a significant improvement in weather conditions is anticipated. On 2nd January, intervals of clouds with only a 35% chance of rain are expected. Temperatures will range between 9 and 16 degrees. As we move towards 4th January, more stable weather with partly cloudy skies and pleasant temperatures reaching up to 20 degrees Celsius is forecasted.
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