Weather Forecast in Torrevieja - 25th December 2024

Weather Forecast in Torrevieja - 25th December 2024

Detailed Weather Report for Christmas Day in Torrevieja

TA Previsiones


Miércoles, 25 de diciembre 2024, 04:51

The weather on 25th December 2024 in Torrevieja is expected to vary throughout the day. Temperatures will range from 9°C to 18°C, providing relatively mild weather for this time of year.

Morning Conditions

During the early hours, from midnight to noon, the sky is expected to be mostly clear, gradually becoming slightly cloudy. The minimum temperature will be 9°C, rising gradually to 17°C by noon. The thermal sensation will be pleasant, ranging from 7°C to 18°C, with relative humidity varying between 55% and 85%.

Afternoon and Evening Conditions

In the afternoon, conditions will change to a very cloudy sky, remaining so until night. The temperature will slightly drop to around 13°C. A slight increase in the chance of rain is expected, reaching 10% by the end of the day. Humidity will rise, ranging between 80% and 85%, which could increase the feeling of coolness.

The following day, 26th December, will start with overcast skies and a 25% chance of rain. Minimum temperatures will remain around 10°C, while maximums will not exceed 17°C. Humidity will be notably high, ranging from 60% to 90%, which could create a more humid and heavy atmosphere.

As we move towards the end of December, a slight improvement in weather conditions is expected. On the 27th, the sky will be slightly cloudy in the morning, with cloudy intervals in the afternoon. Temperatures will be somewhat cooler, ranging from 9°C to 16°C. The chance of rain will be low, around 5% to 10%, allowing for a drier climate.

Finally, to close the month, the following days will present a mix of clear and cloudy skies with variations in rain probabilities. The rainiest day is expected on 30th December with a very cloudy sky and a 50% chance of precipitation. Temperatures will remain moderate for this time of year, ranging from 7°C to 17°C.





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todoalicante Weather Forecast in Torrevieja - 25th December 2024