TA Previsiones
Domingo, 15 de septiembre 2024, 04:51
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On September 15, 2024, Orihuela is expected to experience mostly clear weather. Temperatures will range between 17ºC and 30ºC, providing a warm environment during the daytime and mild conditions at night. Relative humidity will vary significantly, from a minimum of 35% to a maximum of 80%, which could result in variable thermal sensations throughout the day.
During the early hours of the day, from 00:00 to 06:00, the sky will be completely clear with a minimum temperature of 16ºC. As the morning progresses, from 06:00 to 12:00, temperatures will rise rapidly to reach 28ºC. There is no chance of rain during this period, which favors dry and sunny weather.
In the afternoon, from 12:00 to 18:00, Orihuela will continue to enjoy clear skies with temperatures around 25ºC. Relative humidity will increase slightly to 50%, but it will still remain within a comfortable range. It is important to note that the thermal sensation could be slightly higher due to the combination of heat and humidity.
Towards the end of the day, from 18:00 to 24:00, temperatures will gradually decrease to reach 20ºC. The sky will remain clear, ensuring a pleasant night without precipitation. Humidity will rise to 75%, which could make the thermal sensation feel slightly cooler compared to the rest of the day.
As for the following days, a gradual change in weather conditions is anticipated. On September 16, skies will be mostly clear in the morning with high clouds in the afternoon. Temperatures will remain similar to those of the previous day, but an increase in relative humidity is expected, reaching up to 90% at certain times.
For September 17 and the days thereafter, an increase in cloudiness and probability of precipitation is forecasted. The day will start with cloudy skies and a 40% chance of rain, increasing to partly cloudy with light rain in the afternoon with a probability of 50%. The subsequent days will present similar conditions, with very cloudy skies and light rain, reaching a maximum probability of 90% on September 18.
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