TA Previsiones
Martes, 23 de julio 2024, 04:51
The weather forecast for Orihuela on July 23, 2024, anticipates a mostly clear day. Temperatures will range between 21ºC and 35ºC, with a thermal sensation varying between 22ºC and 35ºC. Relative humidity will fluctuate considerably, with lows of 30% and highs of 85%. No precipitation is expected throughout the day.
During the early hours of the day, from midnight to 6:00 AM, the sky is expected to remain completely clear. Minimum temperatures will hover around 21ºC while maximum temperatures will reach up to 35ºC. Humidity will be high during this period, oscillating between 30% and 85%, but the thermal sensation will be relatively comfortable, varying between 22ºC and 35ºC.
As the morning progresses, from 6:00 AM to noon, weather conditions will remain stable with clear skies. The temperature will peak at around 34ºC. Relative humidity will decrease slightly, ranging between 30% and 85%. During this interval, the thermal sensation will remain similar to earlier periods, providing a warm but not extreme environment.
During the afternoon, from noon to 6:00 PM, Orihuela will continue to enjoy clear skies. Temperatures will be more moderate, ranging between 31ºC and 32ºC. Relative humidity will stabilize around 45%, contributing to a more pleasant thermal sensation. No significant changes in precipitation are expected.
As night falls, from 6:00 PM to midnight, favorable weather conditions with clear skies will persist. Temperatures will gradually decrease to a minimum of around 24ºC. Humidity will significantly increase during the night, reaching a peak of 85%, which could create a more humid thermal sensation although not uncomfortable.
In summary, the weather in Orihuela for July 23, 2024, will be predominantly clear with warm but manageable temperatures. The absence of precipitation along with variable humidity will provide an ideal day for outdoor activities. It is advisable to stay hydrated due to the high temperatures expected during the day.
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