Weather Forecast for Orihuela - 3rd February 2025

Weather Forecast for Orihuela - 3rd February 2025

Detailed Weather Conditions for Orihuela at the Start of February

TA Previsiones


Lunes, 3 de febrero 2025, 04:52

The 3rd of February in Orihuela will begin with heavily overcast skies, prevailing during the early morning hours. Minimum temperatures will hover around 4°C, while maximums will reach 16°C. The wind chill will remain in a similar range due to relative humidity fluctuating between 55% and 90%. There is a 20% chance of rain during this period.

In the morning, between 06:00 and 12:00, conditions will remain very cloudy with a slight chance of rain. The temperature will rise slightly to 14°C. The probability of precipitation increases to 45%, although the wind chill will not change significantly. Humidity will decrease slightly, ranging between 55% and 90%.

Afternoon and Evening Conditions

In the afternoon, clouds will begin to disperse, leading to partly cloudy skies. The temperature will drop slightly to 13°C. The chance of rain will be minimal, just 5%, and humidity will remain stable between 55% and 90%. In the evening, heavily overcast skies will return with a slight increase in the chance of rain to 25%. Temperatures will range between 6°C and 16°C.

For the following day, the 4th of February, a significant improvement in weather conditions is anticipated. The sky is expected to be clear throughout the day, with minimum temperatures around 3°C and maximums potentially reaching 18°C. Humidity will vary significantly between 50% and 100%, although the chance of precipitation will be minimal.

Trend for the Coming Days

As the week progresses, conditions in Orihuela will continue to improve. The 5th and 6th of February will be characterised by clear or partly cloudy skies and pleasant temperatures fluctuating between 4°C and 18°C. No rain is expected during these days, which will favour a drier environment with humidity levels between 30% and 85%.

Towards the end of the week, the 7th will see cloudy intervals without significant risk of precipitation, while the 8th is forecasted to have heavily overcast skies once again. Temperatures will remain moderate, ranging between 6°C and 19°C. Humidity will stay within the usual range for this time of year, ensuring a comfortable climate for the residents of Orihuela.

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todoalicante Weather Forecast for Orihuela - 3rd February 2025