Weather Forecast for Orihuela - 22nd January 2025

Weather Forecast for Orihuela - 22nd January 2025

Detailed Analysis of Meteorological Conditions for Orihuela

TA Previsiones


Miércoles, 22 de enero 2025, 04:57

The weather forecast for Orihuela on 22nd January 2025 indicates a day with temperatures ranging from 7°C to 22°C. During the early hours, high clouds are expected, with no chance of precipitation. The perceived temperature will remain between 8°C and 22°C, with humidity levels fluctuating between 30% and 80%.

In the morning, weather conditions will remain stable, with predominantly clear skies. Temperatures will reach a maximum of 19°C. No rain is anticipated during this period, and relative humidity will slightly decrease to 45%.

Evening and Night Conditions

In the afternoon, the weather will remain mostly clear, with an average temperature of 16°C. The likelihood of rain will continue to be zero, allowing for a calm afternoon in meteorological terms. Relative humidity will stabilize around 45%.

As night falls, high clouds will once again dominate the sky over Orihuela. Minimum temperatures will drop to 11°C, maintaining the absence of precipitation. The perceived temperature will vary slightly between 8°C and 22°C, while humidity will increase to 60%.

Forecast for Subsequent Days

The following day, 23rd January, will start with partly cloudy skies that will clear up by the afternoon. Temperatures will remain within the usual range for this time of year, with no significant changes in humidity or the likelihood of rain.

As we move towards the weekend, the weather in Orihuela is expected to remain stable. The 24th and 25th will feature cloudy intervals with a slight chance of rain towards the end of the analyzed period. Temperatures will continue to be moderate, suggesting pleasant weather for outdoor activities.

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todoalicante Weather Forecast for Orihuela - 22nd January 2025