Weather Forecast for Benidorm on January 11, 2025

Weather Forecast for Benidorm on January 11, 2025

Detailed Weather Report for the City of Benidorm

TA Previsiones


Sábado, 11 de enero 2025, 04:51

On January 11, 2025, Benidorm will experience mostly stable weather with temperatures ranging from 12 to 21 degrees Celsius. In the early hours, the sky is expected to be covered with high clouds; however, no precipitation is anticipated during this period.

Between 06:00 and 12:00 hours, the temperature will reach a maximum of 19 degrees. There will be cloudy intervals, and although there is a slight 20% chance of rain, it is unlikely to significantly affect outdoor activities. The relative humidity will be around 60%.

Evening Weather Conditions

During midday and early afternoon, the sky is expected to clear partially, presenting slightly cloudy conditions. Temperatures will remain around 18 degrees Celsius, providing a pleasant thermal sensation for those wishing to enjoy the outdoors.

As the afternoon progresses into the evening, high clouds will reappear in the Benidorm sky. Temperatures will slightly drop to around 15 degrees. The relative humidity will be moderate, ranging around 50%.

Weather Trend for the Coming Days

For the following day, January 12, weather conditions are expected to improve further with mostly clear skies and temperatures ranging between 9 and 17 degrees. No significant rainfall is expected during this period.

As we move towards mid-January, forecasts indicate a gradual increase in cloudiness with predominant cloudy intervals. A rise in the likelihood of light rain is estimated from January 14, peaking at 45% on January 16.





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todoalicante Weather Forecast for Benidorm on January 11, 2025