Weather Forecast for Benidorm - 2nd January 2025

Weather Forecast for Benidorm - 2nd January 2025

Detailed Weather Conditions for Benidorm

TA Previsiones


Jueves, 2 de enero 2025, 04:51

The weather forecast for Benidorm on 2nd January 2025 indicates predominantly clear conditions throughout the day. Temperatures will range between 9°C and 15°C, providing a cool yet pleasant climate. No precipitation is expected, ensuring a dry and sunny day ideal for outdoor activities.

Temperatures and Thermal Sensation

Minimum temperatures will remain around 9°C during the early hours, gradually rising to a maximum of 15°C by midday. The thermal sensation will be similar to the actual temperature, indicating no significant variations due to wind or humidity.

Relative humidity will fluctuate between 55% and 80%, which is typical for this time of year in the coastal region of Benidorm. This humidity will not significantly affect thermal comfort, allowing enjoyment of the weather without major inconveniences.

Sky Conditions and Precipitation

The sky will remain clear for most of the day, with minimal high cloud coverage towards the evening. No rain is expected, ensuring a day free from adverse weather conditions.

In the following days, a slight increase in cloudiness is anticipated, with cloudy intervals expected on 5th and 6th January. However, the chances of rain will remain low, with a significant increase only on the 6th, where a 50% chance of precipitation is expected.

In summary, the weather in Benidorm at the start of January 2025 will be predominantly dry and pleasant. The meteorological conditions are favourable for outdoor activities and tourism, with mostly clear skies and moderate temperatures. It is advisable to stay alert to changes in cloudiness towards the end of the week.





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todoalicante Weather Forecast for Benidorm - 2nd January 2025