Weather Forecast for Benidorm on December 28, 2024

Weather Forecast for Benidorm on December 28, 2024

A detailed analysis of the weather in Benidorm for the coming days

TA Previsiones


Sábado, 28 de diciembre 2024, 04:52

Weather forecasts for Benidorm on December 28, 2024, indicate a predominantly cloudy day. During the early hours, the sky is expected to be very cloudy, with minimum temperatures of 9°C and maximums of 16°C. The chance of rain is low, at 10%, while relative humidity will range between 55% and 90%.

Daytime Weather Conditions

Throughout the morning, conditions will remain similar, with very cloudy skies and temperatures reaching 15°C. By midday, although the sky will remain cloudy, the likelihood of precipitation will remain low. The perceived temperature will stay stable between 9°C and 16°C, with humidity possibly decreasing slightly.

During the afternoon and evening, a gradual decrease in cloudiness is expected, with partly cloudy skies by midnight. Temperatures will drop to around 10°C, while humidity will rise again to 90%. This change in atmospheric conditions suggests a clearer but humid night.

Trend for the Coming Days

The following day, December 29, is expected to have overcast skies in the morning and very cloudy conditions in the afternoon. Temperatures will range between 9°C and 15°C. From December 30, partly cloudy intervals with increasing chances of light rain towards the afternoon are anticipated. Minimum temperatures will remain stable around 9°C, while maximums could reach 16°C.

On the last day of the year, December 31, Benidorm will experience very cloudy skies with a high probability of rain, reaching 90%. Temperatures will be between 10°C and 15°C. This wet trend seems to continue into the first day of the new year, although with less intense rain.

In summary, Benidorm will face a week with variable but predominantly cloudy and humid weather conditions. Citizens and visitors should prepare for possible intermittent showers and take appropriate precautions during outdoor activities. It is advisable to stay informed through local weather updates.

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todoalicante Weather Forecast for Benidorm on December 28, 2024