Weather Forecast for Benidorm - 29th December 2024

Weather Forecast for Benidorm - 29th December 2024

Weather conditions expected for the coming days in Benidorm.

TA Previsiones


Domingo, 29 de diciembre 2024, 04:51

On December 29th, Benidorm will experience mostly clear skies during the early morning hours, with minimum temperatures of 9 degrees Celsius and highs reaching 15 degrees. The wind chill will remain similar, with no chance of precipitation and relative humidity ranging between 55% and 80%.

General Conditions

Throughout the day, conditions will change to partly cloudy in the morning, increasing to cloudy by midday. No rain is expected, but cloud cover will be more significant in the afternoon. Temperatures will remain stable, with lows of 9 degrees and highs of 15 degrees, maintaining a constant wind chill.

As the day progresses, the sky will become very cloudy, especially towards the night of December 29th. Although no significant rain is expected during this day, it is important to note that relative humidity will slightly increase, reaching up to 80%.

Forecast for the Following Days

December 30th will start with very cloudy skies and a gradual increase in the likelihood of light rain towards the afternoon, reaching an 80% chance of precipitation. Temperatures will range between 9 and 16 degrees Celsius, with relative humidity varying between 50% and 90%.

For the last day of the year, the forecast is more unstable with overcast skies accompanied by storms. A 100% chance of rain is expected throughout the day, which could impact outdoor celebrations planned for New Year's Eve. Temperatures will remain between 9 and 15 degrees.

The start of the new year will bring more moderate weather conditions. January 1st is expected to be cloudy with intermittent rain and a 90% chance of precipitation. Temperatures will vary between 11 and 16 degrees. For January 2nd and 3rd, a decrease in rain and an increase in cloudy intervals are anticipated, with a slight improvement in overall conditions.





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todoalicante Weather Forecast for Benidorm - 29th December 2024