Weather Forecast for Benidorm - 13th January 2025

Weather Forecast for Benidorm - 13th January 2025

Weather conditions and forecasts for the coming days in Benidorm

TA Previsiones


Lunes, 13 de enero 2025, 04:52

The weather in Benidorm on 13th January 2025 is expected to be mostly stable and pleasant. In the early hours, a cloudy sky is anticipated with minimum temperatures of 8 degrees Celsius, reaching highs of up to 14 degrees. The wind chill will be slightly lower, ranging between 7 and 14 degrees. Relative humidity will remain between 40% and 65%, with no chance of precipitation.

Daytime Conditions

As the morning progresses, the sky will gradually clear, allowing for a slightly cloudy environment. Temperatures will remain stable around 13 degrees, providing a pleasant day for outdoor activities. Humidity will slightly decrease, ranging between 40% and 65%, while the chance of rain remains nil.

During the afternoon and evening of the same day, weather conditions will remain clear. Temperatures will drop again to around 9 degrees Celsius by nightfall. The wind chill could fall to 7 degrees, although the environment will remain dry with a relative humidity of 50%.

Forecast for the Coming Days

Tuesday, 14th January will continue with clear skies throughout the day, with minimum and maximum temperatures similar to the previous day, fluctuating between 7 and 14 degrees Celsius. No rain is expected, and relative humidity will slightly decrease, ranging between 35% and 55%.

For Wednesday, 15th January, equally benign weather is anticipated in the morning with clear skies and temperatures varying between 8 and 13 degrees. However, in the afternoon, cloudy intervals may appear, slightly increasing the chance of rain to 10%. Humidity will continue to decrease, ranging between 30% and 45%.

Towards the end of the week, weather conditions will undergo a significant change. On Thursday, 16th and Friday, 17th January, a notable increase in cloudiness accompanied by moderate to heavy rain is expected. Temperatures will vary between 7 and 14 degrees on Thursday, while on Friday they may slightly rise to between 9 and 13 degrees. The chance of rain will be high, reaching up to 90%, with humidity potentially rising to 80%.

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todoalicante Weather Forecast for Benidorm - 13th January 2025