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Weather Forecast for Alicante - 30th January 2025

Weather Forecast for Alicante - 30th January 2025

Detailed weather conditions for the upcoming days in Alicante.

TA Previsiones


Jueves, 30 de enero 2025, 04:56

The day of January 30th, 2025 in Alicante will begin with predominantly cloudy skies during the early hours of the morning, with minimum temperatures of 10 degrees and maximums reaching 18 degrees. No significant precipitation is expected during this period, and the wind chill will range between 9 and 19 degrees, with relative humidity varying between 30% and 65%.

During the morning, the sky will gradually clear, allowing for a sunnier environment. Temperatures will remain stable, with a thermal range similar to that observed in the early morning. Humidity will slightly decrease, providing a drier and more pleasant atmosphere.

Evening and Night Conditions

In the evening hours, the sky is expected to present cloudy intervals, with a 45% chance of rain. Temperatures will remain in a moderate range between 10 and 18 degrees. The wind chill will be similar to the actual temperature due to the moderate wind speed, while humidity will slightly increase, reaching up to 55%.

During the night of the same day, the weather will continue with cloudy conditions accompanied by light rain. Residents and visitors are advised to consider carrying umbrellas if planning outdoor activities. The temperature will remain stable throughout the night, contributing to a comfortable wind chill.

Weather Trend for the Coming Days

In the following days, from January 31st to February 4th, Alicante will experience an alternation between cloudy intervals and clear skies. Minimum temperatures will vary between 5 and 9 degrees, while maximums will range between 16 and 19 degrees. Rain probabilities will generally be low, except on February 3rd when a higher incidence of light rain is expected.

Relative humidity during this period will fluctuate considerably, reaching high values especially during the nights. It is recommended to pay attention to daily forecast updates to adjust outdoor activities according to the expected weather conditions.





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todoalicante Weather Forecast for Alicante - 30th January 2025