TA Previsiones
Miércoles, 29 de enero 2025, 04:51
Weather forecasts for the city of Alcoy on January 29, 2025, indicate a day starting with partly cloudy skies during the early hours of the morning. Minimum temperatures will be around 6 degrees Celsius, while maximums will reach 14 degrees. The wind chill will range between 2 and 13 degrees due to relative humidity varying between 35% and 75%.
As the morning progresses, an increase in cloudiness is expected, although without significant precipitation. By midday, the sky will be mostly covered, with a slight increase in the chance of rain at 15%. Temperatures will remain stable, hovering around 11 degrees with relative humidity close to 50%.
In the afternoon, the sky is expected to remain cloudy, with a growing chance of light rain towards the evening, reaching 45%. The temperature will slightly drop to 10 degrees, while the wind chill will stay between 2 and 13 degrees due to humidity potentially reaching 70%.
For the following day, January 30, cloudy intervals are anticipated throughout the day. In the morning, temperatures will range between 5 and 14 degrees with a slight risk of rain at 10%. In the afternoon and evening, the chance of light rain will increase to 70%, although temperatures will remain similar to the previous day.
The extended forecast until February 3 shows a trend towards mostly cloudy skies with occasional rain. Minimum temperatures will gradually drop to 2 degrees by early February. High relative humidity is expected, which will contribute to a colder wind chill.
In summary, Alcoy will experience variable weather with cloudy intervals and some light rain in the coming days. It is advisable to be prepared for sudden changes in weather conditions, especially regarding precipitation and low temperatures. It is recommended to pay attention to daily forecast updates to adjust outdoor activities accordingly.
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