Return Operation: The Worst Hours to Travel and the Speed Cameras That Will Monitor You

Return Operation: The Worst Hours to Travel and the Speed Cameras That Will Monitor You

The DGT recommends exercising caution, adhering to traffic regulations, planning trips in advance, and, if possible, avoiding the most unfavorable hours


Viernes, 30 de agosto 2024, 08:05

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Summer is coming to an end. The DGT (Directorate-General for Traffic) anticipates that from 3:00 PM on Friday, August 30th until midnight on Sunday, September 1st, there will be 4,760,000 long-distance movements due to the widespread return that will take place in the coming days. These movements will coincide with those of the weekend itself.

Specifically, from early afternoon on Friday the 30th until late afternoon and evening (especially between 4:00 PM and 10:00 PM), significant movements will occur, leading to high traffic volumes and circulation problems both for those leaving major urban centers and on the main access routes to coastal tourist areas and rest zones.

On Saturday the 31st, intense traffic will continue in the direction of departures from major urban centers from early morning hours, particularly between 9:00 AM and 1:00 PM. This is due to the imminent start of the vacation month of September and the usual short weekend trips to second homes and beaches. In the afternoon, return movements towards major urban centers will be observed among those who have finished their vacations and are returning in a staggered manner, with high traffic volumes on some road axes.

On Sunday, September 1st in the morning, access to beaches and coastal areas will be problematic with circulation issues on routes connecting coastal towns. By early afternoon, between 4:00 PM and 11:00 PM, the return of those who have finished their August vacations and those who enjoyed the weekend will begin. This will result in high traffic volumes and circulation problems on main road axes directing all return movements from coastal and rest areas towards major urban centers.

For all these reasons, the DGT recommends, as always, exercising caution, adhering to traffic regulations, planning trips in advance, and avoiding the most unfavorable hours if possible.

Additionally, be mindful of surveillance. To support this operation and ensure that all anticipated movements are safe, Traffic has established a series of regulation, management, and surveillance measures. These measures are supported by maximum availability of both human resources (agents of the Traffic Group of the Civil Guard, personnel from DGT's eight Traffic Management Centers, maintenance staff for equipment installation measures on roads, as well as emergency services personnel).

They also include technical resources (fixed and mobile speed control radars, Pegasus helicopters, drones, cameras, unmarked vans and motorcycles to monitor mobile phone use and seatbelt compliance by motorists).





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