B. González
Lunes, 22 de julio 2024, 21:30
Good news for the 50 residents of building number 40 on Marqués de Campo Street in Dénia. Municipal technicians have informed them that after the examination conducted, the building does not suffer from structural damage and that the problem is confined to the 10th-floor apartment, where a damaged beam was discovered last Friday, prompting the evacuation.
According to Mª Josep Ripoll, Councilor for Territory and Urban Quality, it has been communicated to the residents that the building's Community must carry out urgent work to reinforce the affected floor, as it involves a structural beam, and ensure the floor's safety.
"The Community of Residents has already taken action and contacted an architect to certify the work. Once this reinforcement is completed and the certificate is submitted to the Town Hall, they will be able to return to their homes, which should be within 24 to 48 hours," explained Ripoll.
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