Registration for the XI Valladolid Motor Vintage Closes on Wednesday, October 2

Registration for the XI Valladolid Motor Vintage Closes on Wednesday, October 2

On Sunday, October 6, the largest gathering of antique and classic vehicles in Castilla y León will take place. Five hundred living pieces of automotive history will return to the Central Promenade of Campo Grande, Recoletos, and Plaza de Zorrilla.

Santiago de Garnica Cortezo

Lunes, 23 de septiembre 2024, 13:20

Necesitas ser registrado para acceder a esta funcionalidad.

Opciones para compartir

Have you been to Valladolid Motor Vintage and, of course, loved it? And if you were there, dressed in period attire, you've already been part of it. So, how about reliving the experience?

It's great to know a lot about something or even just be very interested in something. But the main reason for a hobby is to enjoy and share everything you like with other enthusiasts and the general public. And that is the spirit of VMV.

Next Sunday, October 6, a new edition, the eleventh, of the great antique and classic vehicle event created by El Norte de Castilla will take place. It has not only established itself as the event with the highest participation in Castilla y León but also as a national reference due to its special nature. It brings together a variety of vehicle types and eras in one space, organized by brands, offering a complete lesson in automotive history. Its value lies not only in the metal and engines but in the legacy they represent.

The Valladolid Motor Vintage 2024, sponsored by Mapfre, Michelin, and Red ITV Itevelesa, with the collaboration of the City Council of Valladolid, Coca-Cola, and Rock on Wheels Spain, is open to all owners of motor vehicles manufactured up to December 31, 1994, or with historic registration.

Mandatory Registration

However, to be present at the Central Promenade of Campo Grande and Acera de Recoletos in Valladolid, registration must be completed no later than midnight on Wednesday, October 2. This free registration is not only mandatory but must also be confirmed by the organization. Without these two requirements, access to VMV will not be allowed. Therefore, if you have registered but have not received confirmation, you should contact El Norte de Castilla as soon as possible.

Furthermore, participating vehicles must present a correct image in terms of preservation and fidelity to their original format. They should not feature advertising unrelated to their nature and era on their bodies.

The variety of vehicle types and brands is one of VMV's characteristics F. P.

The Boost from the New Historic Vehicles Regulation

The new Historic Vehicles Regulation, which comes into force on October 1, by making it cheaper and faster for owners who want to register their car as historic compared to the current regulation that has been in place for 30 years, could provide an important boost for Spain. Currently having 47,000 historic vehicles, Spain could get closer to France's 400,000 vehicles, Germany's 600,000 vehicles or the United Kingdom's one and a half million.

Motorcycles are also present at the event F. P.

The passion for classic and antique vehicles continues to grow in all countries. More people are becoming interested in more than just what a collectible car can fetch at auction.

But what makes classic cars so fascinating? There isn't just one answer but several. For starters, a classic vehicle is more than just a car; it also tells a story: that of its manufacturer and the social context in which its "active life" developed. And at the same time that of its owners. This is why old cars seem to have a history that no modern car can match. Thus preserving old cars keeps the past alive.

For most people, a hobby results from passion. And when we are passionate about something, we want to share it. Old cars are a great conversation topic. They are far enough removed from everyday experience that the general public knows very little about them. This can lead to interesting conversations and encounters between owners and spectators as happens at Valladolid Motor Vintage.

And until midnight next Wednesday, October 2nd when registration closes you have open doors to take out your collectible vehicle motorbike or car show it off enjoy memories shows and music with dozens of enthusiasts who despite having very different models share the same passion Additionally to add even more strength and personality to that special atmosphere don't hesitate to dress according to your vehicle's era.

How to Participate in Valladolid Motor Vintage 2024

All types of motor vehicles can participate in Valladolid Motor Vintage 2024: cars motorcycles competition industrial (trucks vans) fire military tractors... but always with a manufacturing date before December 31st 1994.

A Spectacle Five hundred vehicles attract nearly ten thousand spectators F.P.

Pre-registration is required (vehicles not pre-registered will not be admitted) providing details about category make model year of manufacture and current photo allowing verification of vehicle condition.

Registration is free but essential if you want to be present at VMV F.P.


-Date Sunday October 6th from 11:00 AM to 2:30 PM Participant arrivals from 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM

-Location Central Promenade of Campo Grande Acera de Recoletos and Plaza de Zorrilla

-Admitted Vehicles Manufactured before December 31st 1994 or vehicles with historic registration plates

-Registration Free Deadline Wednesday October 2nd at El Norte de Castilla (Calle Vázquez de Menchaca 10) or online

-Vehicles without confirmed registration will not be admitted

-Sponsors and collaborators Mapfre Fundación Michelin Red ITV Itevelesa City Council of Valladolid Coca-Cola Rock on Wheels Spain

-Itevelesa Award for oldest car Itevelesa Award for oldest motorcycle Award for oldest industrial vehicle Award for oldest vehicle with Michelin tires Mapfre Award Award for furthest traveled vehicle Award for club with most registrations Award for club with most registrations outside Valladolid Photography contest among participants

You can register directly at El Norte de Castilla Commercial Office at Calle Vázquez de Menchaca number 10 in Valladolid Or from your computer or mobile at:

The VMV organization reserves the right to reject vehicles with poor conservation images or those featuring advertising unrelated to their nature and era.

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