Socialist MP and Minister of Transport Óscar Puente (right) and the Government Delegate in the Valencian Community, Pilar Bernabé. EFE

Puente Labels Mazón as 'Absolute Irresponsible': 'The 'Que te vote Txapote' Has Cost Lives'

"Can you imagine Diana Morant and Ximo Puig partying while people were drowning?" he asks



Domingo, 2 de febrero 2025, 16:25

El ministro de Transportes, Óscar Puente, ha tachado de «irresponsable absoluto» al 'president' de la Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, que considera que no cumple con «los mínimos estándares que se les deben exigir a cualquier gobernante» y ha denunciado que esté dispuesto a «permanecer en el poder» aunque «ya no le quede lo más básico que se necesita en la vida para estar al frente de cualquier cosa, que es la dignidad». «¿Dónde está la dignidad de Carlos Mazón?», se ha preguntado, para seguidamente lamentar que el eslogan 'Que te vote Txapote' en Valencia «ha costado vidas» con la dana.

Para Puente, la posición del jefe del Consell es «insostenible» desde «el mismo momento que se supo que hizo dejación de sus funciones» el pasado 29 de octubre, que eran «las máximas el día de la tragedia». Además, durante su intervención en la clausura del XV Congreso del PSPV-PSOE, ha aprovechado para criticar que a día de hoy todavía no se conozca «a ciencia cierta qué estaba haciendo mientras la gente se ahogaba».

"We do not know, the only thing we know is that in the hours before the tragedy, when there was room to save lives, he was reckless and did not take a single protective measure for the population. He conveyed messages that led to downplaying what was coming, and what was coming was very important. He showed a lethal overconfidence," he lamented. In contrast, he asked the audience if they could imagine the PSPV Secretary General, Diana Morant, and the former President of the Generalitat Ximo Puig "partying while people were drowning."

Puente has highlighted the work carried out by Puig during the 2019 dana: "If the measures taken in that lesser dana had simply been applied in this one, it is evident that the consequences would not have been the same."

The Minister of Transport has attacked the "infamous slogan" 'Que te vote Txapote', which he claims was prepared "in the kitchen of meanness, where the PP's strategy is cooked": "They never aspire to win, they never aspire to be better, they never aspire to propose, among other things, because they do not have much to propose. They only aspire for us to lose. And that is why their only strategy is our wear and tear and our destruction."

He lamented that the PP "does not dismiss Mazón, even though they are perfectly aware that he is a political zombie." Likewise, he criticized that "they also exhibit him at their conclaves and applaud him" and wondered "what exactly they are applauding." "Maybe they know something that we do not," he ironized.

Puente has emphasized that the PP's project is "sexist" and "denialist," and is "based on imposition and not on transaction and dialogue," which is why "there is nothing that makes them worthy of continuing in the government of Valencia."

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todoalicante Puente Labels Mazón as 'Absolute Irresponsible': 'The 'Que te vote Txapote' Has Cost Lives'