Adrián Mazón
Lunes, 3 de febrero 2025, 07:45
María Serna Martínez is one of those Alicante locals who eagerly awaits the first weekend of June, proclaiming to everyone, "ja estem en Fogueres". Both the proclamation and the 'plantà' are moments that "mark the beginning" of the city's official festivities, which "we look forward to all year".
During the main days of June, she loves being in her district, Nou Alipark, which she represented last year and is now a candidate for the 2025 'bellea del foc'. It is in these streets where she awaits the first 'ninots' to start assembling. "Seeing all our hard work finally in place is one of the most satisfying feelings."
This Alicante native knows that the Hogueras of Alicante are much more than just a week. "They are neighbourhood, friends, home, pride, fire, and gunpowder." She has learned this from "always being connected" to her district. This makes it so she "cannot imagine a June without them, Luceros without gunpowder, or an offering without goosebumps and emotion."
The Nou Alipark candidate also has other hobbies, such as reading and painting, but she always finds time to enjoy the Friday 'racó', the playback rehearsals, the weekends of lunches and presentations, and "looking for excuses to 'fer foguera' and continue sharing together."
These moments are what keep her going. One of the most fun was during last year's award ceremony, when along with her 'dames d'honor' and her 'bellea infantil', they descended from Alipark to Canalejas "dancing and jumping with the band behind them." It's an anecdote they "enjoyed like children."
Education: Degree in Finance and Accounting
Occupation: Commercial Executive in Banking
Runway Dress Design: José Santón
Alicante Bride Dress Design: Ana Ballester
Foguera: Nou Alipark
President: María Jesús González Blasco
Children's President: Eloy Monllor Lozano
Number of Festive Participants: 64
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