Two children hand their letters to the page of Gaspar's Royal Page. Shootori

Last Hours to Deliver Letters to the Three Wise Men in Alicante

The Royal Pages' Camp in Gabriel Miró will be dismantled on Saturday for the parade preceding the Cavalcade

José Vicente Pérez Pardo


Jueves, 2 de enero 2025, 18:28

El campamento de las Carteras Reales anticipa la llegada de los Magos de Oriente a Alicante, que tendrá lugar la tarde-noche del domingo. Un día antes, las emisarias de Sus Majestades levantarán las tiendas ubicadas en la céntrica plaza de Gabriel Miró desde el pasado 26 de diciembre y recorrerán las principales calles del centro de la ciudad para recoger los deseos de los menores alicantinos. Con ello, habrán cumplido su misión.

Quedan pues, poco más de 48 horas para que los niños y niñas de Alicante escriban a Sus Majestades de Oriente la carta con sus deseos y sean las propias emisarias quienes se los hagan llegar. Quienes hayan hecho la reserva de cita previa podrán visitar, hasta las 14 horas del sábado 4 de enero, el campamento tematizado localizado en la plaza de Gabriel Miró. Allí, a diferencia del pasado año, no podrán ver a las carteras, pero sí a sus pajes, quienes también pueden recibir las peticiones de los niños.

Quienes quieran ver a las Carteras Reales tendrán que esperar hasta las 18 horas del sábado 4 de enero a la comitiva, apertivo de la Cabalgata de Reyes del domingo. Las Carteras Reales saldrán de la plaza de España para finalizar en la plaza situada en la intersección entre la Rambla y la Explanada.

The Royal Pages, embodied by Lucía Navarro (Melchor), Inés Domínguez (Gaspar), and Nuria Coves (Baltasar), will participate in the parade on the three thrones of a float equipped with its own sound system. It will be adorned with decorative elements that evoke the royalty and magic of the celebration.

The emissaries of the Magi will wear high-end costumes, reflecting the significant role they play. The capes they will wear and the crowns will enhance their importance as heralds of the visit of Their Majesties.

Sunday's Cavalcade

The Three Wise Men, represented by Hermann Schwarz (Melchor), Ignacio Gally (Melchor), and Fernando Candela (Baltasar), will arrive in Alicante on the afternoon of Sunday, January 5th. That day, shortly after 5 p.m., they will arrive at the Port of Alicante on a Civil Guard vessel. Then, around 6 p.m., they will head to the Plaza de Toros to make their first greeting to the children. Subsequently, they will arrive at the Provincial Palace so that, around 7 p.m., the Cavalcade begins. After passing through the Avenida de la Estación, Plaza de Los Luceros, Avenida de Alfonso El Sabio, Rambla de Méndez Núñez, and Calle Altamira, it will conclude at the Town Hall square. There, from a stage located in front of the main facade of the Town Hall, Their Majesties will once again address the children.

They will be accompanied by pages who will assist them in collecting the children's letters along the route and at the end in Rambla-Explanada. Their attire will include tunics and ribbons made from rich fabrics, with a series of complementary adornments in keeping with the splendour of the Cavalcade.

The Plaza de España, at the height of the Monument to the Foguerer, will be the starting point of a Cavalcade featuring representatives from the various festivals of Alicante - Hogueras and Barracas, Moors and Christians, Traditional, Neighbourhood and District Festivals (Fafba), and Holy Week. A large inflatable star will open the procession, simulating the one that guided the Three Wise Men to the manger in Bethlehem. It will be followed by a pageant consisting of a group of about 20 dancers, with costumes inspired by the court of the Royal Pages, combining tradition and elegance. It will have its own sound system.

Cristina Cutanda, the Councillor for Festivities, explained that "we are eagerly awaiting, just like the children, the arrival of the Royal Pages in Alicante to receive the letters as a prelude to a Cavalcade, the Magi's, which will once again be massive and with overwhelming anticipation."





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todoalicante Last Hours to Deliver Letters to the Three Wise Men in Alicante