The Keys to the Health Campus: Shared Practices and Infrastructures but Autonomy for UA and UMH

The Keys to the Health Campus: Shared Practices and Infrastructures but Autonomy for UA and UMH

The rector of the Alicante institution agrees to launch this project so that Medicine continues to be taught at the San Vicente campus

Óscar Bartual Bardisa


Martes, 24 de septiembre 2024, 19:00

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It seems that the saga of Medicine at the University of Alicante (UA) is coming to an end after Monday's agreement between the President of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, and the rector, Amparo Navarro. Pending the resolution of the High Court of Justice, the UA has confirmed that the degree will be taught in San Vicente. If the ruling is not favorable, different avenues will be sought to avoid disrupting the lives of students already enrolled in the degree. All with the approval and support of the Consell.

For this, the UA had to accept the proposal from the Generalitat: a university health campus shared between Miguel Hernández University (UMH) and the Alicante institution. The UA rector, Amparo Navarro, assured this Tuesday that she is "committed" to working on this joint project.

She expressed this in an interview on regional television, À Punt, this Tuesday after the meeting held with the President of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, on Monday. Navarro has yielded to the Consell's proposal, which is yet to be defined.

Despite not knowing the project beyond encompassing all degrees in the field of Health Sciences, Navarro made clear during the interview the model of an inter-university campus she supports as a representative of the Alicante academic institution.

"The idea of this campus is that many degrees will have lines of joint collaboration"

Amparo Navarro

Rector of UA

"We still do not know about the inter-university campus project," said the rector, who later explained that she understands it as "an offer of health degrees offered by both universities, maintaining their autonomy and existence as well as the degrees they offer."

Navarro advanced that the idea regarding this campus is a "concept in which many degrees will have lines of joint collaboration." For this, she asserts that the idea is "to share student practices, infrastructures, and even faculty exchanges."

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