Moment of the assembly of the Federació de Fogueres. AM
Increase in the Census of Bonfires and Barracas in Alicante with 2,500 More Festival-goers

Increase in the Census of Bonfires and Barracas in Alicante with 2,500 More Festival-goers

The Federation approves the budgets and Olivares demands the City Council to include the municipal subsidy for districts in the accounts

Adrián Mazón


Jueves, 28 de noviembre 2024, 20:55

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The census of bonfires and barracas has seen a significant increase in its ranks. The Federació de les Fogueres de Sant Joan has recorded an increase of 2,506 new festival-goers at the close of the 2024 fiscal year, with a total of 11,834 people belonging to an association.

Of the new additions, the president of the Federation, David Olivares, detailed that 3,000 are child bonfire and barraca members. "The accounts are clearer than ever," he highlighted during the assembly held this Thursday to approve the federation's budget.

However, the festival leader urged not to lower the guard regarding this increase in the census and asked the bonfire and barraca commissions to "continue working on participation" as well as to further "increase the census in the world of Bonfires."

Among other points, the Federation's budget was approved by the assembly, following a brief explanation by its economic president on various items.

Minutes earlier, in his report, Olivares explained to the festival-goers the demands he has conveyed to the City Council to include the municipal subsidy to the districts in the 2025 municipal budget to receive the aid in time and form, before celebrating the festivities.

Another point addressed by Olivares was the restructuring of districts and sectors, which - the latter - will increase from seven to ten with a maximum of nine to ten districts in each, and will be evaluated with the commissions for implementation in September 2025.

Fogueres en Nadal was also mentioned in the assembly. Regarding these events, the increase in attendees at the commission dinner was highlighted, where the number of diners rises from 1,138 last year to 1,240 for next December by including the new bonfires Remigio Soler and Pío XII.

Olivares also mentioned the Christmas bonfire that will be located in the Plaza de la Montañeta. The plantà will be during the afternoon of December 19 and the cremà changes its time, between 8:30 PM and 9 PM on December 22.

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todoalicante Increase in the Census of Bonfires and Barracas in Alicante with 2,500 More Festival-goers