High-power chargers by Iberdrola Iberdrola
Iberdrola Activates 750 kW Power for Serrano Chargers

Iberdrola Activates 750 kW Power for Serrano Chargers

Juan Roig Valor

Jueves, 28 de noviembre 2024, 13:05

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One of the main obstacles facing the development of electric car chargers is bureaucracy, which results in several constructed points lacking access to electricity. This occurs in places such as highways, where the Ministry of Transport is responsible, or in public parking areas where the authority lies with the City Council.

In Madrid, the public parking on Serrano Street is the longest in the city, spanning over two kilometres and housing more than 2,400 spaces. The management of the facilities is handled by Serrano Park, but Iberdrola has upgraded the installations, providing them with 750 kW of power for electric car charging.

This translates, in practical terms, to about 300 spaces available for rechargeable vehicles. According to the electric company, "an algorithm intelligently distributes the power among the cars charging at any given time," to prevent power surges.

These 300 spaces will be allocated to residents who use the Serrano Park facilities as their regular parking and apply first. So far, 40 people have done so, according to the company.

The installation cost of such power capacity would be unaffordable even if shared among the 300 beneficiaries, but the electric company absorbed this additional cost, making it comparable to installing a home charger, which is around 1,000 euros.

Additionally, Iberdrola notes that they already have over 8,000 operational public charging points in Spain, with 40,000 more in private homes. This allows them to achieve an average of 50 kilometres between fast charging points.

This is part of the mobility plan Iberdrola designed in 2016, which includes the creation of 100,000 charging points by 2025, encompassing residential, public, and business parking facilities.





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