Finance Committee. AA
Green Light for Approval of Alicante's Waste Tax in Full Council

Green Light for Approval of Alicante's Waste Tax in Full Council

The PP relies on Vox's abstention to push through the regulation, while the new Low Emission Zone is also validated.

Tere Compañy Martínez


Viernes, 27 de diciembre 2024, 17:50

Luz verde en el Ayuntamiento de Alicante a dos de las normativas que tenían que estar aprobadas antes de que acabe el año. Las comisiones de Hacienda y de Presidencia y Régimen Interior han votado favorablemente este viernes a la nueva ordenanza fiscal reguladora de la Tasa de Recogida, Transporte y Tratamiento de Residuos Sólidos Urbanos, más conocida como tasa de la basura, y a la Zona de Bajas Emisiones. Con ello ambas cuestiones pasan para su aprobación al Pleno Extraordinario previsto para el próximo lunes, 30 de diciembre.

The new Fiscal Ordinance regulating the Collection, Transport, and Treatment of Urban Solid Waste Tax was initially approved in the plenary session last November and, after the period for objections, will be put to a vote for its final approval in the extraordinary plenary session scheduled for Monday, the 30th.

In the Finance Committee prior to the Plenary, the PP voted in favour, Vox abstained, and PSOE, Compromís, and EU-Podemos voted against. The ordinance has not undergone modifications compared to the initially approved version since the only accepted objection pertains to a technical issue that does not alter the tax and did not require a vote.

The Councillor for Finance, Toni Gallego, stated that "we approve this modification of the tax because the central government has not offered any alternative to municipalities other than the legal imperative to adjust revenue to the real cost of the service." "It is not an issue that affects only Alicante," the councillor continued, "all municipalities have been forced to increase the tax that citizens pay for waste collection and treatment."

Meanwhile, the Ordinance regulating the Low Emission Zone, which does not entail penalties or restrictions, has been approved with the votes of PP and Vox and the rejection of PSOE, Compromís, and EU-Podemos. The objections submitted during the open period for this purpose were rejected, and its final approval will be submitted to the aforementioned Plenary next Monday, the 30th.

In just two days, several pending issues have been cleared for the mayor, Luis Barcala. On the one hand, this Thursday, the mayor and the Vox spokesperson, Carmen Robledillo, announced an agreement for the municipal budgets. On the other hand, with the abstention of Abascal's party, the approval of the new waste tax is allowed.

Criticism from the Progressive Opposition

Meanwhile, the opposition has criticised the PP and Vox agreement. The socialist spokesperson, Ana Barcelo, has demanded that the report from the Plenary secretary on the personal responsibility of councillors who voted against be submitted to the Consell Jurídic Consultiu. A proposal that has been accepted by all the groups in the plenary. "We find this report unprecedented, which also generates total legal uncertainty," Barceló stated.

The councillor emphasised that as it is a fiscal regulation, it should have been accompanied by a report from the auditor and not just the Plenary secretary. Furthermore, she considers the rejection of the comprehensive amendment submitted by an individual inexplicable. The spokesperson criticises Barcala for being the main person responsible for the lack of negotiation on the waste tax and claims that a better, more redistributive tax could have been made from consensus.

Meanwhile, the Compromís spokesperson, Rafa Mas, considered that the agreement "implies increasing the tax on households almost fivefold." The nationalist councillor believes that "they sell us that they will lower the IBI by three euros per household, but they inflate us with waste taxes, expand the blue zone, more fines, more radars. In short, those who came to politics to reduce taxes present us with more taxes on the working classes."

The EU-Podem spokesperson, Manolo Copé, described the budget and waste tax agreement announced with barely a day's difference as a "little theatre." "The cowardly right of Vox has allowed itself to be coerced by a report from the Plenary secretary. A report from the Plenary secretary, or from Barcala, we are not clear, has been the perfect excuse for Vox to have an excuse to abstain," the councillor stated. Furthermore, he considered that PP and Vox are the political leaders "of an excessive increase" in the waste tax, "they have done nothing to avoid harming Alicante families," he added.





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todoalicante Green Light for Approval of Alicante's Waste Tax in Full Council