TA Previsiones
Lunes, 14 de octubre 2024, 04:51
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The weather in Elche for October 14, 2024, is mostly stable with temperatures ranging between 17ºC and 28ºC. In the early hours of the day, a slightly cloudy sky is expected, allowing for an enjoyable morning without precipitation.
During midday, conditions will remain similar, with temperatures reaching a maximum of 28ºC. The thermal sensation will be consistent with actual temperatures, while relative humidity will vary between 50% and 95%, slightly increasing the feeling of mugginess.
As the afternoon progresses into the night, an increase in cloudiness is expected. Temperatures will slightly drop to around 21ºC, and the probability of rain will increase to 45%. This atmospheric change could bring scattered showers in some areas, so it is advisable to carry an umbrella if planning to go out.
The humidity during this time frame will also rise, reaching values close to 95%. This combination of weather factors could result in a cooler thermal sensation compared to earlier hours of the day.
Looking towards the immediate future, October 15 is anticipated to be a very cloudy day with rain during the morning and part of midday. Minimum temperatures will hover around 17ºC and maximums around 27ºC. The probability of precipitation will be high, reaching 100% at certain times of the day.
For the rest of the week, a mix of cloudy intervals and clear periods is expected. Temperatures will remain moderate, ranging between 14ºC and 28ºC. Residents and visitors are advised to stay informed about possible changes in the forecast to adjust their outdoor activities accordingly.
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