Urgente La Gran Carrera del Mediterráneo de Alicante, cancelada
Public Employment Service Office. Antonio López Díaz
Claiming Unemployment Benefits Will Require Tax Return Submission

Claiming Unemployment Benefits Will Require Tax Return Submission

Effective from November 1st, failure to comply will result in suspension of unemployment benefits.

Amparo Estrada


Martes, 22 de octubre 2024, 11:15

Necesitas ser registrado para acceder a esta funcionalidad.

Unemployment benefit recipients will be required to submit their Personal Income Tax (IRPF) return, even if the amount received does not reach the threshold at which it is mandatory to declare the IRPF. This new requirement for workers, applicants, and beneficiaries of unemployment benefits comes into effect on November 1st and is included in Royal Decree 2/2024, dated May 21st, which adopts urgent measures for the simplification and improvement of the assistance level of unemployment protection, and was published in the BOE on May 22nd.

Article 299 clearly states that among the obligations of applicants and recipients of unemployment benefits is "to annually submit the corresponding Personal Income Tax return." In case of non-compliance, the same decree establishes that unemployment benefits will be suspended "when the managing entity detects that beneficiaries of benefits have failed to comply with the obligation to submit the Personal Income Tax return during a fiscal year, under the conditions and deadlines provided in the applicable tax regulations."

The IRPF regulation establishes that a declaration must be submitted when annual income exceeds 22,000 euros or for those with two or more payers who earn 15,876 euros or more, provided that the sum received from minor payers is 1,500 euros or more. Now, claiming unemployment benefits, regardless of the amount, will require submitting the Income Tax return, as is also required if the Minimum Vital Income is received. If not done, unemployment benefits cannot continue until it is corrected.

Increasingly, the submission of the Income Tax return is a requirement regardless of income. In the last tax campaign, all self-employed individuals were required to submit the IRPF, although until last year, self-employed workers who earned less than 1,000 euros annually were not obliged to submit the declaration.

Submitting the declaration does not necessarily imply a high tax payment; it will depend on the amount, the withholdings made, and the deductions to which one is entitled. Unemployment benefits are managed by the State Public Employment Service (SEPE) and are subject to withholding from the equivalent of the minimum interprofessional salary, set at 15,876 euros annually this year.





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todoalicante Claiming Unemployment Benefits Will Require Tax Return Submission