The Councillor for Culture of Sant Joan, David Aracil, and the Mayor, Santiago Román, at the presentation of the town's cultural semester. T.A.
The Centennial of La Rambla and the 25th Anniversary of the Film Festival: Highlight Events of Sant Joan's Cultural Semester

The Centennial of La Rambla and the 25th Anniversary of the Film Festival: Highlight Events of Sant Joan's Cultural Semester

The agenda for the first half of the year offers national premieres and maintains performances with a solidarity entry fee of 3 euros benefiting local entities.

José Vicente Pérez Pardo


Jueves, 9 de enero 2025, 16:21

Continuing the "cultural revolution" of Sant Joan d'Alacant, the upcoming semester is packed with activities and two significant anniversaries: the centennial of La Rambla and the silver jubilee of the local Film Festival. Additionally, in the coming months, classic events such as Música a la Plaça, Petit Teatre, Divendres de Lletres, workshops, talks, and storytelling sessions at the Library, concerts, and events by local associations and entities, as well as around 10 exhibitions between the Pablo Lau and Roberto Mira galleries, will continue.

In detail, the year will kick off with 'January Awakens', featuring the national premiere of 'My Bubble World', a bubble show created by Pierpaolo Laconi 'Whitedream'. This artist debuts his show in Sant Joan. Laconi, known as 'the bubble magician', achieved the 2022 Guinness World Record for the 'Largest soap bubble blown by hand'. This month will also see performances by José Campoy (18 January) and a Musical Tribute to Rafaella Carrá (25 January).

'Theatrical February' will offer the quintessential month of theatre, with 8 free stage productions, alongside the third edition of the 'Nosaltres' Inclusive Theatre Festival, the Andalusian Cultural Week, a Tour of the Defence Towers, and the exhibition 'We Embroider Holy Week'. This project, as explained by the President of the Major Board of Holy Week Brotherhoods, Rosa Navarro, is based on "showcasing the artistic heritage that is the embroidery adorning the Holy Week images of Sant Joan". The exhibition will be open from 2 February to 2 March, during which a 'Brotherhood Welcome' day is also scheduled, featuring workshops for all ages, from crafts, children's costaleros, the art of the mantilla, floral arrangements, to Holy Week drums.

The highlight of March will be the 25th Anniversary of the Sant Joan Film Festival, scheduled from 23 to 29 March. Other March events include the musical 'Anastasia', a tour of the manor houses, and the XVIII Narrative Contest organized by the Bonfire Commission.

Under the title 'April to Feel', this month will celebrate Holy Week, with an exhibition and the performance of the Song of Sorrows, and will feature the shows 'Magic of the Future', 'Kairós', and musical tributes to Camilo Sesto and Jesus Christ Superstar. 'We Move' will present its new production, the dramatized visits to the Pedro José Shelter will return (with sessions in April and June), and the commemoration of the I Centennial of La Rambla will take place, with a concert by the La Paz Musical Society, completing the presence of the Sant Joan Cultural Market, set up on La Rambla Avenue by La Paca Market Vintage on three Sundays in February, March, and April, as highlighted by Paqui Calderón.

To celebrate a 'Charming May', the Election of the Queens and Ladies of the Christ of Peace Festivities, the Proclamation of the Beauties and Ladies of the Sant Joan Bonfire Festivities, and the May Crosses, organized by the Casa de Andalucía, are planned. This month will feature the plays 'Mother, I Want to Marry' and 'Rare' by David Domínguez, as well as the end-of-year performances of the Municipal Theatre School. Its coordinator, Noé Vicente, reviewed the productions of the different groups, from children to adults. This year there is an additional youth group, and the shows, especially those for minors, will support diversity and identity.

To conclude the quarter, in 'June of Fire', the Festivities of Saint Anthony of Padua of Santa Faz and the Sant Joan Bonfires will take place, accompanied by several concerts, dramatized visits to the Pedro José Shelter, and the musical 'Woof'.

The Mayor, Santiago Román, expressed gratitude for the participation of all these entities, thanks to which, among other reasons, "we can boast about the cultural area of Sant Joan, both for its operation and for the public's reception. We are eagerly awaiting all these shows, which will surely be a success, along with the launch of new initiatives prepared by David Aracil," the mayor noted.

Meanwhile, the Councillor for Culture, David Aracil, provided an overview of the "cultural revolution launched a year ago, a change that maintains what works, without disruptions, and bets on innovation, with initiatives that must be tried and events where one must take risks and dare." One of the lines is based on culture and solidarity, which has allowed for the collection of around 11,000 euros in 2024 through charity performances, in addition to another 8,000 euros collected for those affected by the Dana, which were donated to the Red Cross and the account opened by the Generalitat Valenciana. "In the 2025 programme, there will be at least one show per month with a 3-euro entry fee that will be allocated to Cáritas, AECC, the Lukas Foundation, the Association of Disabled and Relatives, APSA, Red Cross, and APCA," Aracil explained.





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todoalicante The Centennial of La Rambla and the 25th Anniversary of the Film Festival: Highlight Events of Sant Joan's Cultural Semester