Montserrat Angulo, President of the Alicante Nursing College. Miriam Gil Albert
The Alicante Nursing College Offers a Free Online First Aid Course

The Alicante Nursing College Offers a Free Online First Aid Course

The course will be held from February 19 to March 19, aiming to teach how to respond to a loss of consciousness and how to organize a first aid kit.

Pau Sellés


Viernes, 31 de enero 2025, 12:26

El Colegio de Enfermería de Alicante impartirá entre el 19 de febrero y 19 de marzo un curso online gratuito dirigido a la población de la provincia de Alicante titulado «Primeros auxilios». El objetivo de este curso es el de dar a conocer la manera de intervenir ante una pérdida de consciencia y saber qué debe tener y cómo organizar un botiquín de primeros auxilios.

Este curso se podrá realizar a través de SalusLife, servicio de formación online dirigido a la ciudadanía asociado a la plataforma de formación y consultoría sanitara online SalusOne con la que el Colegio de Enfermería de Alicante tiene contratada parte de la formación continuada de sus colegiados. Los interesados deberán realizar la inscripción gratuita en este enlace:

This activity is offered through the Training Area of the Alicante Nursing College, coordinated by the Board of Governors' Vocal V, Juan José Tarín Sáez. The "First Aid" course will be taught by emergency nurse Marta Rebanal Gago.

The course is structured into ten topics, including how to act in cases of choking and cardiac arrest: Loss of consciousness, Sudden Death, Syncope, Heat Stroke, Hypoglycemia, Anxiety Crisis, Epileptic Crisis, Response to Drowning, Loss of Consciousness in Children, First Aid Kit.

250,000 treated each year for syncope

More than 250,000 people visit Spanish hospital emergency rooms each year due to syncope, a symptom that in 30% of cases is a warning of a very serious illness or sudden death, with 10% of that percentage experiencing one of these events within the following 31 days.

On another note, Spain ranks as the 4th European country with the most deaths due to heat strokes, with 2,190 deaths recorded in 2024 according to estimated data from the MoMo Panel (Daily Mortality Monitoring Register in Spain).





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todoalicante The Alicante Nursing College Offers a Free Online First Aid Course