Urgente La UMH recurrirá la sentencia que avala Medicina en la UA pese a compartir las prácticas
Archive image of a doctors' protest held in the streets of Alicante. Miriam Gil Albert
Alicante Doctors Threaten Strike Over Public Sector Exclusivity Proposed by Health Ministry

Alicante Doctors Threaten Strike Over Public Sector Exclusivity Proposed by Health Ministry

The group feels "mistreated" by the Draft Framework Statute being developed by the Ministry

Pau Sellés


Martes, 28 de enero 2025, 19:40

Doctors are considering calling a general strike to express their dissatisfaction with the Draft Framework Statute being developed by the Ministry of Health, which aims to limit the compatibility of doctors between public and private practice. This was announced in a joint statement by the Alicante Medical Association and the CESM-CV Medical Union, who believe the ministerial proposal "discriminates and undervalues" doctors.

This was made clear in an informative meeting convened by both entities on Monday in Alicante, attended by 700 participants eager to learn firsthand about the main points of the Draft.

During the meeting, union measures were agreed upon to mobilize the profession against this draft, including the possibility of calling a general strike through the Spanish Confederation of Medical Unions.

It is expected that unions and the Ministry of Health will meet again in the second half of February to reach an agreement. In a first meeting, the Ministry presented a second draft of the Framework Statute "which includes some proposed improvements, but certainly not enough," they explain in the statement.

"Discriminatory" Conditions

The president of the COMA, Dr. Hermann Schwarz, believes that "the working conditions proposed by the Draft are discriminatory and detrimental to doctors compared to other healthcare groups." Meanwhile, the Secretary General of the Spanish Confederation of Medical Unions, Dr. Víctor Pedrera, explains that "now more than ever" a specific medical statute should be demanded, "not because we are special, but because we have special working conditions."

"Now more than ever a specific medical statute should be demanded, not because we are special, but because we have special working conditions"

Dr. Víctor Pedrera

Secretary General of the Spanish Confederation of Medical Unions

Among other things, this Draft includes "as a gracious measure, the limitation of the doctor's weekly working hours to 48," in a context where it is advocated that all workers should have a maximum of 37.5 hours, "violating for doctors the compliance with European legislation regarding working hours and occupational health."

Furthermore, the draft aims to group doctors, with a training of 360 credits and MECES III level and "with greater responsibility and qualification" in the care process, with other categories that require a training of 240 credits (MECES II level), as explained in the joint statement.

Regarding the proposal's system of incompatibilities, they consider it is even "more rigid" than the current one for Heads of Service and Section concerning private healthcare, and also for assistants in the first five years of work in the public system concerning private activity.

They believe this situation "will inevitably lead to the loss of talent for Public Health, in addition to being discriminatory and unfair, it will invite new generations of doctors to opt for private practice."





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todoalicante Alicante Doctors Threaten Strike Over Public Sector Exclusivity Proposed by Health Ministry